CoderDojo Charter

What is the Charter?

All Dojos follow the CoderDojo Charter which encompasses the ethos and principles of the CoderDojo movement, which all Dojos are founded on.

CoderDojo Charter

For the purposes of this Charter, "CoderDojo" shall mean the open source, volunteer led movement orientated around running free not-for-profit coding clubs. "Dojos" shall mean the not-for profit coding clubs established to support communities and spread the philosophy of CoderDojo.

All Dojos are independent, autonomous, community groups set up to inspire young people to learn code. All Dojos have different styles of operating but they all hold the same ethos.

We commit to:

  • inspiring and supporting young people to learn how to create technology
  • the highest possible standards of child protection in our jurisdiction
  • not charging children attending nor their parents
  • encourage parent participation within our Dojo
  • sharing our knowledge for free (libre and open)
  • share our knowledge within our Dojo and to other Dojos
  • take care and uphold the good name of the global CoderDojo community
  • encouraging collaboration, peer to peer mentoring and project work between the attendees
  • welcoming volunteers and children regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, creed, religion or ability.

The CoderDojo Foundation (CDF) commits to:

  • act in the interest of the global CoderDojo community
  • facilitating the community to share its knowledge
  • sharing our resources for free
  • encouraging active involvement in our organisation


  • On registration you are making an agreement with the CoderDojo Foundation and agreeing to follow the CoderDojo ethos.
  • You are entitled to use the CoderDojo name, logo and website to promote your activity for non commercial use
  • You are entitled to fundraise on the condition that it is made explicit you do so for your Dojo or as a group of Dojos under a group name (EG Dojos of California) and inappropriate fundraising is a breach of this Charter.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure you are compliant with legislation in your jurisdiction when undertaking any activities, including fundraising, for your Dojo or group of Dojos.
  • If the terms of this Charter are breached, CoderDojo Foundation retains the right to remove the group from the website. In this case your coding club shall cease using the CoderDojo name, brand and logo in the promotion of your coding club and on third party websites.
  • Opinions expressed by any individual Dojo or people in the registered Dojo do not represent the views of CoderDojo Foundation.
  • CoderDojo Foundation may terminate this Charter with any Dojo without cause on thirty days' notice.
  • As CoderDojo Foundation is an Irish entity, this Charter is subject to Irish law and you agree to that.

Disclaimer of Liability

  • CoderDojo Foundation accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever where a party is injured while engaging in the activities of a registered group. It is the responsibility of each club to ensure they maintain valid and appropriate insurance.
  • You are solely responsible for the activities conducted by your own Dojo. Agreeing to this Charter does not constitute endorsement of those activities by the CoderDojo Foundation.

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